Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love that Rocker!

As previously mentioned, I'm in the process of turning my 2 year old daughters room from a nursery to a little girls room. Before she was born, I got a very sad looking rocker that I spent a lot of sleepless nights sitting in with her. I would still like a chair in her room where we can read, cuddle etc but I think it's time for a fun update. Well, I found one! Check out my new rocker that's on it's way. Sleek, stylish, white and they say quite comfy (I know that should be the first point). Here is what it looks like and some inspirational design photos. Enjoy...

Bookshelf, cute striped rug and the rocker - I like that look.

Fun colours

With blankie and a stuffy - perfect

Love the poster!


  1. Adore that rocker!! Will look forward to what you think when you get it! Found you through Caitlin's blog. :)

  2. Thanks Mary! I will post pics in the room once I get it...
