Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 - What I'm Feelin...

The problem about having a blog is you can't help but be a blog world people pleaser. Should I post some thoughts on my 2014 goals etc or is that totally boring and narcissistic. I wasn't sure and then one of my favourite blogs Oh Joy, popped up with a new post on some resolutions and I thought this is a sign. I love reading what other people are up to so why not?

I've always been a big goal person but this year is different. Instead of goals I'm on a quest to form my activities of 2014 around how I want to feel. I read a fantastic book over the holidays - Fire Starter by Danielle LaPorte. The concept is if we can find out what our core desired feelings are and then do more things in our life to feel that way.

I want this to be my year of Inspiration and carry that through all aspects. Along with Inspired, my other core feelings are: Connected, Strong and Free.

So here's how that looks for 2014:

Inspired: I want to feel inspired in my work. I flippin love design and want to incorporate it more in my life. I want to surround myself with inspiring people. Authentic, happy, complicated people that are making it happen. I want to attend events, plan my weekends and find activities that are inspiring for me and my family.

Connected: My family. Want to be more present with my girls. Put down the phone and give committed time. I used to feel that to be a good mom I had to spend all my time with my kids. What I now know to be true for me is having time where it's present and connected goes way further in my household. It's about the quality of that time. I also want to have more date nights with my hubby and make sure we remember those 10 plus years we were together before babies. I want to be with friends who make me smile and I feel more whole when I walk away from our visits.

Strong: This one is 2 fold. Firstly, I want to feel literally strong - in the muscle sense. I want to work on my weight training and yoga to feel physically strong. I also want to feel mentally strong and able to handle situations with a strong mind-set.

Free: Ahh, love this one. I just added this a couple days ago but means a lot. I used to feel trapped to please everyone and everything without even knowing what I wanted. Freedom means having the choices to live what is authentic. I saw a great quote over the holidays "I'd rather be someones shot of whiskey, than everyone's cup of tea."

So there we go. There are some other specific things like eating better, flossing more...you know!

Cheers to 2014!

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